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IRCC introduces category-based Selection for Express Entry Draws

June 08 , 2023 By Rajneesh Kumar

In order to support the socioeconomic goals and objectives of Canada, on 31 May 2023, the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced to introduce invitation rounds for specific categories of Express Entry candidates. The IRCC rank candidates in the Express Entry pool using a points-based system, i.e. Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). While doing so, the IRCC ensures the following:

  • Selecting the type of round to hold?
  • decide the number of candidates to be invited?
  • find the top-ranking candidates from the pool eligible for the selected round type?
  • invite selected candidates to apply for PR visa?

Category-based Express entry draws

In category-based Express Entry invitation rounds, the IRCC will invite candidates who have proficiency in a specific official language or have work experience in one of the key occupations. The IRCC invite candidates to apply for PR Visa based on criteria such as,

  • ability to communicate in a specific official language?
  • work experience in a specific Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) category of the National Occupational Classification (NOC)?
  • education?

Categories selected for 2023

 For 2023, IRCC has selected below categories:

  • French-language proficiency?
  • Healthcare occupations?
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) occupations?
  • Trade occupations?
  • Transport occupations?
  • Agriculture and agri-food occupations?

3 Types of rounds of invitations

Earlier, the IRCC used to hold two type of Express entry draws, i.e. regular and program-specific, however, now with the introduction of third category draws, now the IRCC will hold total 3 different types of invitations rounds in a year, i.e.

1. General invitations rounds

In general or all-program invitation rounds, IRCC invite top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible for one of the 3 Express Entry programs, i.e.

  • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)?
  • Federal Skilled Trades (FST)?
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)?

2. Program-specific rounds of invitations 

In program-specific invitation rounds, IRCC invite top-ranking candidates who are eligible for a specific Express Entry program, such as, PNP program.

3. Category-based rounds of invitations

Now in newly introduced category-based invitation rounds,  Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will invite top-ranking candidates in the pool who show ability in a specific official language (i.e. French) or have work experience in one of the priority occupations, as mentioned in the draw.

To know more and apply for immigration to Canada on Permanent Resident (PR) Visa this year, you may get in touch with Canada immigration expert at Canada PR Avenue. You may call the expert on Toll-Free No. 78-18-000-777 or you can drop us an e-mail at info@canadapravenue.com.

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